Kalo ada yang ngaku metallibangerz tapi belum pernah dengerin nih album wah!!! kebacut sampeyan...
Secara musikalitas album ini emang ngga ada cela, dan benar-2 membuktikan Metallica: The King of Speed and Trash Metal has back (kecuali buat yang udah ketularan ama Dave Mustai'in punya kebiasaan nyela-2 Metallica) cuman sayang nya ternyata Death Magnetic punya cacat di kualitas mastering nya
Dikutip dari Rollingstone:
With last Friday’s release of Death Magnetic, Metallica fans knew that the band’s new album would be playable that day for Guitar Hero 3. What fans didn’t know was that the video game version of the album would actually sound better than the CD counterpart. That’s what mastering engineer Ian Shepherd discovered when, on a tip from a Metallica forum, he compared the compression rates between the CD and the GH versions. Shepherd discovered that the CD is boosted as much as compressively possible, making it ten decibels louder than the GH version while completely bleaching out the dynamic range.
Awalnya gue ngga ngeh kalo emang ada cacat di proses mastering, gw pikir suara "mendep" alias kayak ada yang ketahan cuman karena gue lagi apes dapet CD yang jelek, ternyata eh tenyata masalah ini dialami oleh seluruh distribusi Death Magnetic berupa CD maupun Vinyl.
Gilanya lagi, sound Death Magnetic ternyata lebih keluar di game Guitar Hero III daripada release CD.
So kalo mau ikutan petisi untuk remaster Death Magnetic silakan join di mari: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/...-magnetic.html
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